Nail Infection Treatment in Gurgaon, Delhi

Nail infections, medically known as onychomycosis, are fungal or bacterial conditions affecting the nails. At Skin Aura,renowned Skin Specialist Dr. Jasdeep Kaur provides specialized treatments to address nail infections, promoting the restoration of healthy and vibrant nails. These infections can cause discolouration, thickening, and brittleness of the nails, impacting individuals' aesthetics and overall well-being.

What are the Symptoms of Nail Infection:

  1. Discolouration : Nails may turn yellow, brown, or white.
  2. Thickening : Increased thickness and altered texture.
  3. Brittleness : Nails become fragile and prone to breaking.
  4. Debris Accumulation : Buildup of debris under the nail.
  5. Distorted Shape: Changes in the natural contour of the nail.

What are the causes of Nail Damage or Infection:

  1. Fungal Infection : Fungi, such as dermatophytes, invade the nail bed.
  2. Bacterial Infection : Entry of bacteria through nail trauma or cuts.
  3. Moist Environments : Prolonged exposure to damp conditions.
  4. Weakened Immune System : Lowered immunity increases susceptibility.
  5. Nail Trauma : Injuries or damage to the nail structure.

Treatment for Nail Infection at Skin Aura

  1. Diagnosis and Evaluation:
    • Clinical Examination : Dr Jasdeep Kaur conducts a thorough examination to assess the extent and characteristics of the nail infection.
    • Nail Culture : Obtaining a nail sample for laboratory analysis helps identify the causative agent, guiding treatment decisions.
  2. Antifungal or Antibacterial Medications:
    • Oral Medications: Prescription antifungal or antibacterial medications are often recommended to eliminate the infection systemically.
    • Topical Treatments: Antifungal nail lacquers or creams are applied directly to the affected nails for localized treatment.
  3. Laser Therapy:
    • Laser Treatment : Innovative laser technology targets and destroys the fungal or bacterial infection without affecting surrounding tissues.
    • Advantages: Non-invasive, minimal discomfort, and high precision in treating the infected area.
  4. Surgical Interventions:
    • Debridement: Trimming or removing the infected nail to facilitate the effectiveness of topical medications.
    • Nail Avulsion: Surgical removal of the entire nail may be considered in severe cases.
  5. Prevention Strategies:
    • Footwear Recommendations: Advice on footwear choices to minimize moisture retention and fungal growth.

Nail infection treatment at Skin Aura combines medical expertise with a patient-centred approach, ensuring individuals receive personalized care to resolve nail infections effectively. Dr Jasdeep Kaur's commitment to optimal outcomes promotes renewed nail health and overall well-being.

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